Quick Clicks
Success Stories
- Budget & Finance Committee
- Health Committee
- Highway Committee
- Personnel Committee
- Cooperation Between Departments
- Economic Report Card
- 2006 Budget Out Before Election
- Why We Need to Address Infrastructure: Part 1
- Why We Need to Address Infrastructure: Part 2
Tales from the Silly Season
Radio Ads
Messages to Constituents
Cortland Citizens for Progressive Reform
- DiGiovanni League of Women Voters
- Quackenbush
- DiGiovanni
Palm Cards
Legislative Votes
- 2005: October-December
- 2005: June-September
- 2005: January-May
- 2004: October-December
- 2004: July-September
- 2004: April-June
- 2004: January-March
Fun Stuff
Blog Roll: News, Views, and The Straight Dope
- The Corner
- InstaPundit
- Best of the Web
- Lileks' Bleat
- KausFiles
- Mark Steyn
- Roger L. Simon
- Michael Barone
- Virginia Postrel
- Confederate Yankee
- The Straight Dope
- Day by Day (strip at bottom of page - scroll down!)
- If you have no ideas...
- Interesting chronology
- A little Italian humor
- Smear campaign
- Posted without further comment (at this time)
- Be-FUD-dled
- Black Monday
- A few closing thoughts on future directions
- Are you better off today
- Scott Steve's Message to Voters in the Second Ward