Cortland County Legislature

"This is a lousy, undoable job which ruins family life, which you can never live up to, but which is done mainly out of dumb, depressing duty" - Austin Mitchell, British MP

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Vote Tallies

With the aid of Bonnie Quackenbush, I have put together the vote tallies for 2004 and 2005 (through September; the minutes of the October session are not posted at the county web site, nor have they been e-mailed to legislators).

The links to the actual tallies are and will remain in the navigation bar to the right (see under "Legislative Votes"). To make finding things a little easier, here are the links:

January/February/March 2004
April/May/June 2004
July/August/September 2004
October/November/December 2004
January/February/March/April/May 2005
June/July/August/September 2005

The posts include links to the minutes of the meetings, so that you can easily read about items that passed despite a no vote having been cast by a member present.

For the record, we are not just speaking in clichés when we talk about the bipartisan effort that has led to our success: the record will show that of the 448 resolutions passed in 2004, 416 (92.9%) were passed without a no vote having been cast. So far in 2005, we are also running at a 92+% rate of passage without a nay vote being cast (274 of 297, or 92.3%).

I have often responded to people who ask whether I enjoy being a legislator by saying: "I enjoy the governance, but I hate the politics". The governance is what leads to 92% unanimous votes; the politics is what leads to "agita".


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